Do you want more distance, better accuracy and precision, the perfect trajectory, and the best backspin obtainable? Then the answer is to have a club that feels and performs optimally. In this article, I talk about a new way of making a golf club feel better and will, therefore, perform ideally.
Six essential attributes of a golf club should be optimized:
• Distance
• Accuracy
• Precision
• Trajectory
• Backspin
• Feel
In my opinion, feel is the most critical attribute. If a club does not feel right, it just won’t perform. We will adjust our swing to fit the club and not let it do its job of striking the ball. For years we have been searching for the perfect feel.
From an engineering perspective for a set of irons to be perfectly matched, the clubmaker must balance the club’s three properties. These properties are the mass or weight of the club, the first moment as represented by the swing weight of the club, and the second moment as measured by the moment of inertia or MOI of the club. To match all three properties, we need single-length irons. The term I use for this balance is the ultimate balance.
But some people prefer the feel and look of the traditional irons that vary in length. It is nearly impossible to balance all three properties using conventional irons. Historically we have tried.
In the 1930s, clubmakers found that if we matched irons to the correct balance using a scale, the irons performed better than if they were not balanced. Thus, the swing weight was born.
In the 1990s, clubmakers began to move away from swing weighting. They worked on methods of matching the clubs using the moment of inertia of MOI of the club.
They found that this form of matching improved the feel and performance of golf clubs even more. But with the technology at hand, we could not do both swing weight matching and swing weight matching without using a lot of lead tape. Some people counter balanced with lead tape and some with weights inserted in the butt of the club, but we were never able to achieve the ultimate balance matching using these means.
With modern technology, I have developed a procedure that will allow me to match two of the three properties using traditional irons. I call this the penultimate balance. Contact me to find out more.